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Seborrhea of the scalp – causes and treatment of the disease

Seborrheic dermatitis – an inflammatory skin disease accompanied by itching, flaking and irritation. Occurs at the point where the sebaceous glands. Frequently localized on the head in places of growth of hair. The disease of this nature is called seborrhea of the scalp.

себорейный дерматит лечение паста сульсена

Therapeutic drug on the basis of selenium disulfide. Controls the production of fat, eliminates dandruff, itching, promotes healing of the skin, strengthen the follicles and improve hair condition. Comes in 2% and 1% dosage. For the treatment use SULSENA paste 2 %.

Application: the paste applied on the scalp after washing, incubated for 30 minutes and washed off. Can be used in combination with antifungal shampoo. Itching and irritation are already after the first application.

Available SULSENA paste in tubes of 50 and 100 ml. Price from 70 rubles.

Seborrheic dermatitis is a disease that does not go away on their own. Therefore, it's important not to run at the first sign to take action. The simplest and most accessible treatment is the use of dermatological shampoos and drugs. If no result it is advisable to consult a specialist.