Home / Treatment / Finasteride treatment of male pattern baldness forever!

Finasteride treatment of male pattern baldness forever!

Hair loss is a problem that may face every man, and the causes can be a huge amount: age-related changes, stress at work and at home, poor environment and poor nutrition. Fortunately, modern pharmaceutical industry is in need of many effective variants of the decision problem. Most popular in Russia, and abroad are drugs based on substances Finasteride, sold under the name "Propecia".

What is Finasteride?

Medical the drug Finasteride used for

Before taking Finasteride instructions for use of medication should be carefully studied. According to the manufacturer's recommendations, the treatment requires regular drug intake regardless of food in the daily amount of five milligrams. The tablet should be swallowed whole. The first results you should expect after six months of constant use.

If the patient is faced with the problem of the admission of the drug, it is recommended to continue to receive funds according to the standard schedule. In any case, do not drink two pills at the same time. This action is not only beneficial for you but may even cause serious nonsense, your body.

In case of overdose you may face side effects. Don't abuse the amount of pills and follow the recommended daily allowance, you reduce the chance to experience the side effects to less than one percent.

Among the side effects of official producers are the following:

  1. A strong reduction of libido (sexual desire towards the female sex).
  2. Violation of potency (man, it becomes difficult to achieve an erection).
  3. A significant reduction in the volume of semen that is released during ejaculation.
  4. A slight dragging pain in the scrotum.

In addition, if you are undergoing drug and you need to take blood tests, do not forget to inform your doctor. The fact that the drug can affect the test results, and you will receive incorrect information about the condition of his body.

Prem is contraindicated in of the drug the following groups of patients:

  • children;
  • women;
  • patients who have a risk of allergic reactions to some substance in the composition of the medication.

Pregnant women are strictly prohibited to contact with the substance (according to the manufacturer it is not recommended to even touch the vehicle). Contact can adversely affect the fetus and its development.

Price of Finasteride in Russia

If you want to buydrug, you can ask for help almost in any Russian pharmacy. One of the key benefits of the drug Finasteride — price, which is quite low. The cost of this medication ranges from 250 rubles to 400 rubles (Krasnodar, Moscow), depending on the pricing policy of the pharmacy, where you will make purchases. The average cost Finasteride in Russia — 300 rubles.

Analogues Of Finasteride

Modern pharmaceutical industry does not stand still, so there is nothing surprising in the existence of analogues of substance. If you are interested in the drug Finasteride, analogues may also cause your interest:

  1. Prosterid and Finast — cheapest analogues of the drug;
  2. Alfinal drug with almost identical procedure. Price category is the same as Finasteride;
  3. Pinestar — the most expensive equivalent of money.

Reviews of men about Finasteride

Sergey, 30 years

Hair began to fall suddenly. Like yesterday I went with a thick mane, and today are harvested throughout the apartment large chunks. Went to the doctor, but there I nothing said, in the end, a friend advised to take Finasteride regularly. As soon as he began, immediately resulted in, the hair does not fall anymore, and even new industries. Happy!

Alexander, 57 years

At my age, problems with the hair loss is normal, but no one wants to become bald, even more suddenly. I waited for a similar problem can happen to me, so I prepared in advance. I bought a stock Finasteride and at the first sign of hair loss began to take it. Everything works great, I go with hair like that my son is jealous!

Igor, 27 years

I have family in the male line, everyone always had problems with hair, so I knew beforehand that it would begin to go bald at about the same time as my father. In the end, by the age of 26 I had to shave my head, not to Shine large bald spots. So just give up and not wanted, I decided to try different drugs for baldness. Finasteride helped the best, now hair has become longer than before. Recommend!

Vyacheslav, 40 years

As soon as the problems with loss of hair, immediately decided to act. Don't like it when some body problems remain unaddressed. Tried several well-known drugs that are advertised on TV, but any effect did not wait for them. Hair as fell and continue to fall. Once I was advised to Finasteride, and I did not hesitate. In the end the problem with hair loss stopped and after regular intake of these pills, the hair became evento recover.

If you are faced with the problem of hair loss, it is best not to delay and immediately think about its solution. It is best to use the drug long-term actions to ensure the full restoration of the functionality of the hair follicle and maintain their stable operation over long periods of time. Finasteride is perfect — its action efficiently and securely, and cost — pleasing to buyers.