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Psoriasis on the head — what is it? Causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention

Many people face such a delicate problem as psoriasis. This is a very unpleasant disease, which is very difficult to fight. We must make every effort to make your life easier.

What is psoriasis of the scalp

All types of psoriasis the most common lesion of the skin of the scalp. In some cases, it is the initial stage of more severe forms of the disease.

The inflammatory process that occurs on the skin and is accompanied by a peculiar seal, which borders on the line of growth of hair and resemble the shape of a cap. There is an intense rash and peeling.

Contrary to popular belief, psoriasis of the scalp like all forms of psoriasis, is not contagious. The cause of the disease is a metabolic process in which cell growth is accelerated to 4-5 days, instead of the standard 24 days. The result is a layering of new cells on dead who just don't have time to leave. As a result, there is an inflammatory process, accompanied by compression, appearance of scales and tubercles, dense cover and strong peeling. Typically, hair growth is not affected.

Most often psoriasis affects:

  • The back of the neck and nape
  • Earlobes
  • The skin around the ears
  • Forehead

Psoriasis manifests itself in very different ages, but often the disease is pronounced to 20 years. Usually in women it manifests itself several years earlier than men.

Psoriasis on the head: the causes of

Causes of psoriasis scalp is still uncertain. Researchers are divided in opinion, but agree on some of the General points that affect the predisposition to psoriasis:

  • Ecology
  • Heredity
  • Various metabolic disorders
  • Pathology growth of skin cells

In addition, there are a number of phenomena that can provoke or aggravate the course of psoriasis:

  • A stressful situation or nervous breakdowns
  • Impaired digestion
  • Infectious diseases
  • Injury to the skin of the head, the disease begins in the field of burns, cuts, abrasions, stitches and surgical procedures
  • Hypothermia
  • The disturbed nutrition, and the use of allergenic products
  • The abuse of alcohol and tobacco
  • Environmental pollution
  • Allergic reactions
  • The sudden climate change, for example, when travelling, and change of seasons.
  • The use of some shampoos, conditioners, styling products hair.

Although many patients reported that the disease may recede or worsen without any apparentreasons. Often psoriasis is common in people with dry and thin skin, than the holders of the fat.

Symptoms of psoriasis of the scalp

As a rule, at an early stage of the disease there is severe itching, which is accompanied by

All the cunning of the symptoms of plaque psoriasis lies in the fact that in the early stages the patient takes them for simple dandruff or Allergy. For this reason, the treatment starts late, which greatly complicates the healing process.

The disease has no impact on the General condition of the body. However, the incessant itching and problems with appearance have a strong effect on the psychological state of the patient and his contact with society.

Treatment of psoriasis on the head

Treatment should start only after consulting your doctor. It needs to make a diagnosis, confirm a diagnosis and prescribe treatment. Otherwise, the absence of treatment, overreliance on traditional medicine or incorrect recommendations can lead to the fact that psoriasis can go into a chronic phase and increase continuously in size.

For the effective treatment of psoriasis of the scalp it is important to apply a set of procedures:

  • General medicine
  • local treatment
  • hormonal therapy
  • Spa treatment
  • General strengthening of the body
  • exclusion of potential catalysts of the disease
  • physiotherapy
  • acupuncture, folk medicine, Oriental medicine
  • rules for skin care

In the appointment of medical treatment takes into account the stage of the disease. In severe assigned to a hospital treatment. Primarily prescribed immunostimulatory drugs.

General medicine

In General therapy, primarily prescribed medications that can remove the symptoms of psoriasis and slow down the growth of cells:

  • The cytostatics. They slow down the process of cell division. But mostly, they are prescribed for the patient in the wrong dosage they are able to aggravate the stage.
  • Immunodepressant. The most common drug — cyclosporine . It is well acts on T-lymphocytes of the skin and slows the pathogenesis of psoriasis.
  • Corticosteroids. They relieve inflammation.
  • Aromatic retinoids. They slow down the proliferation of skin cells.

In addition to the primary therapy administered vitamins a and E as a remedy for General strengthening of the body. In the event of infections using various antibiotics. Antidepressants are sometimes used to reduce nervous tension, because stress is one of the catalysts of the disease. To reduce itching and mechanical damage from combing badges appointantihistamines, such as claritin, fenkarol and castin.

Doctors recommend alternate therapies to achieve optimal results. And do not forget that the use of any drug should be only after tests and doctor appointments.

Local treatment of psoriasis of the scalp

In the local treatment of a variety of well established ointment:

  • Ichthyol 5-10%
  • Naphthalene 2-5%
  • The sulfur-tar 2-5%
  • Salicylic 2-5%

When applying ointments, be sure to read and follow the instructions. Some recommend before applying ointments to clean the damaged areas.

Also, if the treatment cannot do without the use of specialized

Also well established Spa treatment. It is better to choose those resorts that are spetsializiruyutsya on the skin ailments. The patient will be useful to sun and mud baths, thermal springs. Doctors advise a visit to the Dead, red or Black seas. Their climate is ideal for patients with psoriasis.

Prevention of psoriasis of the scalp

To avoid relapse, patients should take prevention. It includes diet, a day regimen, elimination from the diet of harmful products, avoiding hypothermia, hygienic procedures. You should also choose a comb with natural bristles, which is several times a day should be disinfected. In addition, avoid using hair dyes, varnishes and foams, don't use dryer.

The effectiveness of alternative medicine is often a matter of controversy in the scientific community. But as an additional measure, it has a number of advantages. Baths and poultices are well soften and moisturize the skin, and massages give the skin elasticity. It is important not to neglect the recommendations of the attending dermatologist.