Home / Treatment / The influence of the level of the male hormone to female baldness (androgenetica)

The influence of the level of the male hormone to female baldness (androgenetica)

About 90% of baldness in women is due to androgenetic alopecia. This form of hair loss is very difficult to be diagnosed. If the problem is detected in time, to deal with it is easy, the main thing is well to study it.

Thick lush hair — the pride of any woman. But increasingly began to meet cases of hair loss. Base can serve as problems with the thyroid gland, iron deficiency or postnatal period. But the most common cause is the androgenetic alopecia. This form of baldness occurs on average at the age from 14 to 45, under the influence of genetic factors. Female alopecia is most commonly transmitted, respectively, through the female line.

Lately, in big cities recorded an increase in women's levels of male hormones, called androgenization. This hormonal disturbance is even more evident after the birth. During pregnancy hair loss slows, and then starts with even greater force. The disease begins to progress. If you look at the essence of the problem, hair loss is due to the destructive action of one of the forms of the male hormone testosterone on the hair follicles.

To notice the symptoms of female alopecia even the professionals can be difficult. For accurate diagnosis requires multiple tests.

This form of partial baldness imperceptible to humans can develop from 2 months to 2 years or more. At first the hair begins to fall evenly across the surface of the head, then the centers. It is at this stage the disease becomes noticeable, but this late treatment may not always be effective.

The last stage of androgenetic alopecia in women is manifested by complete absence of hair in the forehead and crown. The first hair on the parietal region. This is the first stage, which usually reveals the disease. The whole point of the treatment is to stop hair loss. Hampers specially formulated by a dermatologist, taking pills and the use of hormonal ointments. In addition, modern medicine can offer laser therapy or transplantation of their own hair. Transplantation of own hair is the only way to hide pockets of baldness. All the treatment approaches approved by the FDA and are safe.

Many women try to solve the problem superficially, beauty salons. Of course, external influence restorative masks can provide the necessary short-term effect, but the alopecia is characterized not only by changing the condition of the hair. The hormonal influence on the internal structure of the woman on her psyche.

Without serious treatment, after 5-15 years, the results areto be poor. High levels of the male hormone in women can lead to increased muscle mass, changes in the behaviour and psyche as a whole,and the worst — the emergence of abnormality of the ovaries, leading to infertility.

Just noticed the symptoms and the established professionals it's already half way. The sooner you start treatment, the better will be the results. As with other hormonal diseases you need to be prepared to receive a life limiting disease drugs. Integrated effect from all sides, including hair transplantation, to help patients to regain a full life and completely abandon the caps and scarves.