Home / Treatment / Hyperkeratosis of the scalp. How to overcome this attack at home?

Hyperkeratosis of the scalp. How to overcome this attack at home?

Throughout life a person is sick with various diseases. Depending on the region of residence, medical list changes. And such a thing as dandruff occurs every second. Poor environment, the dryness of the scalp, and suitable for cosmetic products is a common causes. But besides that, there diseases that at first sight seem harmless.

Hyperkeratosis of the scalp, what is it?

What's this strange disease and how it can get it is a healthy person? Hyperkeratosis – is a pathological thickening of the Horny layer of the epidermis. The disease is a result of some other illness that affects the human skin.

As we know, the skin consists of several layers. This disease affects the Horny layer of the skin. The cells of the affected layer begin to divide and displace the old. And those, in turn, sloughed off. Not knowing the reason people are making the assumption that it is only dandruff and just not paying attention. But the problem is independently hyperkeratosis will not be cured.

When there is a lesion with hyperkeratosis, there is a development of keratin. This protein so much that it accumulates. And the more, the worse. Scales in the stratum corneum are glued together, so not able to share, but rather to separate from each other.

By itself, the hyperkeratosis looks very unpleasant. Especially running form. Cells cannot separate and more accumulate, thereby increasing the thickness of the affected area of the skin. This leads to roughness, and tuberosity. The affected area may expand. The man who does not even know that's his problem, you may notice that a certain area has changed. The reason is hyperkeratosis. On the area of skin is in full violation of all functions:

  1. Gas exchange
  2. Sweating
  3. Sebum

And all this leads to atrophy of the epidermis. Simply put, the necrosis of the affected area of the skin. If time does not heal the keratosis, can be partially bald. More precisely, the hair will not be only on the affected area and in the worst cases, complete baldness.

Hyperkeratosis affects not only the scalp but also other areas of the skin. For example, changes in the epidermis can be seen on the feet or the knees and the elbows, where the garment is rubbed the joints, and, of course, on the head. In General, the most popular places where commonly seen skin.

Causes of

The causes of this disease can be divided into two groups: external and internal.


  • The first reason is, of course, failure to comply with hygiene standards. This is what often leads to skin problems.
  • If you wear uncomfortable headgear presses, you can "earn" hyperkeratosis.
  • The lack ofvitamins in the body. For example, vitamins. A, E, zinc, and folic acid. Their lack of use, leads to such unpleasant disease as hyperkeratosis.
  • Dryness of the skin. Its causes can be different.
  • Incorrect use of cosmetics that do not fit the person's age and skin type.
  • Maceration of the scalp

This is speaking about the external factors that lead to disease.


  • Diseases of the liver and gallbladder
  • Problems with the thyroid gland
  • Diabetes
  • Ichthyosis and all the illnesses transferred to the person genes
  • Diseases of the blood
  • Ringworm (all types)
  • Erythroderma, keratoderma
  • Psoriasis
  • Irregularities in the allocation of keratin, which is transmitted at the genetic level from parents to child

Considering the external and internal factors of the disease are hyperkeratosis, one can say, it easily can be lured with the usual factors such as incorrectly chosen cosmetics. Or take for normal scaling when the problem is already there. Therefore, you should visit a doctor before treating it at home.

Hyperkeratosis symptoms

If we talk about the hyperkeratosis of hair, the problem, the person does not immediately detect. The problem remains unnoticed, since the dryness of the skin and profuse desquamation, dull hair, split ends and breakage. Someone looks like the problems on the time of year, personal problems (nervous breakdowns, depression), lack of vitamin, unsuitable cosmetics. And not many people go to the doctor for advice. In some cases however the problem sometimes it is not hyperkeratosis.

Therefore it is necessary to rely not only on:

  • peeling
  • dandruff
  • dry skin
  • cross-section and brittle hair

When the hyperkeratosis begins to develop, there is a roughness. The affected skin resembles sandpaper to the touch. This is the first sign after which you should go to the doctor. Also, pimples and bumps, they have a purple color. If you do not pay attention to it, that can only aggravate the situation and ultimately be left with no hair. Since the first partial baldness and then complete. Taken into account and that the hyperkeratosis affects the skin and the cover.

Hair, even after treatment of hyperkeratosis, never grow up. Hair follicles, due to illness died, and never recovered.

Hyperkeratosis, strikes or skin on the head or the whole head and may spread to the whole body. It all depends on how is the disease develops.

If there is at least the initial symptoms such as dryness, flaking, you should consult a doctor. Therea list of doctors you should visit:

  • dermatologist – visited the first
  • trichologist
  • hematologist
  • neurologist
  • immunologist

If you have a problem, do not delay her decision. Because the damage will be irreparable. To restore dead hair follicles is impossible. A person can lose their former beauty and at the same time, to be rejected by society.

Hyperkeratosis treatment at home

Unfortunately, it is very difficult to determine the occurrence of hyperkeratosis in humans. The reasons may be quite different. And if you have any suspicions, you should think about the external factors for its occurrence. Personal hygiene, proper selection of cosmetics, good nutrition, it is worth thinking about diet. But if the reasons are more profound nature should be addressed by professional treatment, after a preliminary medical examination. Self-medication is always dangerous.

If the diagnosis is confirmed, and to be treated with expensive drugs do not want or simply do not trusting relationship to him, that is a good list of folk remedies of treatment.
The first tool, it's an infusion on the onion husk,that is, to Make it very simple, if not, at all times, in every house there is a neighbor woman that can easily make a tincture. Infusion used as a compress on the affected areas. The first time, a poultice to keep at least half an hour. And each time, the time to increase, then hold for at least three hours. The tool does not help at the root to destroy the disease, but the symptoms will reduce.

Second — potato compress. Raw potatoes cleaned and scrubbed (or pulverized in any convenient way). The juice doesn't leak out. The pulp with the juice in the gauze on the affected area. Hold for hours, then replace with a new one. And so to continue the procedure two more times.

The third tool is based on salicylic alcohol and aloe
The aloe leaves are applied to affected areas and are wrapped. It is advisable to do the procedure at night, because the aloe should be at least ten hours on the affected areas. Then in the morning all removed and wiped with alcohol.

And, perhaps, the last method — beet dressing
The beets are crushed and placed in cheesecloth and juice together. And leave in a dark place for a couple of hours. And then, the gauze with beets is applied on the affected areas for a few hours. After the procedure wash away the remnants of juice and smear the olive oil.

You must remember that after two or three treatments you can not quit the treatment because it is difficult to completely cure keratosis, you can only reduce the symptom. Therefore, after long-term treatment, you can take a break and then continue the procedure.