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Early graying of hair – causes and treatment of premature graying

Gray hair usually begins to appear in people of advanced age. But it happens the other way. Gray hairs appear in person prematurely and, of course, cause a lot of anxiety. What causes early gray hair and what to do when it is found? This will tell our article.

The causes of early gray hair

Early gray hair often appears as a result of neglect and improper hair care. If you want to save for a long time the natural color of their hair, choose the right means to care for them and do not expose the hair to aggressive external influences.

Before you eliminate gray hair you need to determine its causes. You will need to visit the trichologist and get his advice.

There are several factors that provoke the appearance of early graying:

  • The strong nervous shock and stress. Gray hair can appear instantly after the experienced trauma or shock.
  • Genetic predisposition. Gray hair is the norm for an elderly person, but sometimes they begin to appear in very young people under the age of 30 years. The reason for this may be genetic predisposition. Ask your parents what age they found my first gray hairs. If they have gray hair appeared in his youth, and you have it arose the hereditary line.
  • Vitamin deficiency, thyroid disease, anemia, chronic respiratory disease – all these can cause graying of hair at young age.
  • Unhealthy lifestyle and bad habits is another reason why gray hair appears sooner.
  • Improper hair care (frequent washing with hot water, use of hair dryers, irons and plates for styling, frequent dyeing of hair).

How to get rid of gray hair

With the appearance of the first gray hairs the man immediately begins to look for ways how to get rid of gray hair. To cure the gray hair and restore hair's natural shade is, unfortunately, impossible. But to suspend the process of formation of gray hairs using active preventive measures.

The following tips will help in the fight against the proliferation of premature graying:

  • Avoid stress and strong nervous disorders.
  • Protect the scalp from the negative impact of external factors (extreme temperatures and ultraviolet radiation);
  • Ditch unhealthy habits;
  • Rethink your diet. Switch to more fruits and vegetables, give up junk food;
  • Ensure If the amount of gray hair on the head exceeds 50%, then the best way of getting rid of them will be staining resistantchemical compositions. To carry out this procedure better than just a hair salon, experienced craftsmen. Dyeing gray hair has its peculiarities. The master must take into account the amount of gray hair, choose the right paint (in accordance with the natural tint a client's hair, eye color, skin type).

    In some cases, before application of carry out the procedure of preparental, but this happens rarely, because modern paints and work so well.

    Paint is a great remedy for gray hair for men. Usually hair colours for women, but actually manufacturers create them and for the male population.

    Deciding on hair coloring, you should follow these guidelines:

    • Now you will need once a month to conduct the compulsory procedure for touch-up roots.
    • When choosing paint for gray hair, try to observe moderation.
    • The shade of the dye should match the natural color of your hair (you may choose paint for a lighter tone).
    • Remember that black hair makes you older, highlights the wrinkles on the face and makes it look tired.
    • Women age better not choose the hair dye bright red color of the dye. This shade of paint will make the skin pale and sickly.
    • Before changing the color of hair you should consult with an experienced hairdresser. Only a specialist can help you choose the perfect shade of paint according to the natural hair color, structure, and condition.
    • The paint is applied on the hair starting from the roots. For coloring master usually uses a small brush.
    • To make the coloring more even, divide hair into equal strands.
    • Staining throughout the length of the perform after 10-15 minutes after treatment of the hair roots.
    • The paint is kept on the hair in accordance with the instructions.
    • Remnants of dye hair is washed with clean warm water. In some cases, require the use of special shampoo.
    • If you paint the regrown roots, the dye is applied only to these areas of the head.
    • Before an independent hair coloring your hands with plastic gloves (they protect the skin from exposure to the chemical dye).
    • Be sure to check before painting, if you have Allergy to the components of the dye. To do this the day before the procedure, apply a cotton swab a little of the dye solution on the skin behind the ear and do not rinse for several hours. If irritation and itching at the site of application does not appear, you can use paint to disguise the gray.


    A good remedy for gray hair is considered proper grooming. Layered or asymmetricalthe strands will help to cover emerging gray hairs. You can also give the hair lightness, making the styling irons.


    The best means of dealing with gray hair is its prevention. Gray hair are often the result of poor lifestyle.

    Improper diet, eating too much fatty, spicy or sugary foods – all this becomes a cause of hair graying.

    In order to prevent the early appearance of gray hair we recommend the following rules:

    • Eliminate bad habits;
    • Eat more fermented dairy products (kefir, yoghurt);
    • Perform daily morning exercises;
    • Develop a proper diet (Breakfast, heavy lunch and light dinner);
    • In summer, more engaged in water treatment, in the winter – go for a walk, run;
    • Try to get some sleep.

    If you had to deal with early gray, do not despair and do not panic. Light gray gives a personal touch to your outfit, making it a solid and wealthy. Groomed gray hair look elegant and attractive, so they can not paint at all.