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Hair loss after childbirth. Causes what to do and how to stop hair loss?

Hair loss after childbirth is a common problem faced by more than half of the young mothers. During pregnancy a woman's body is rejuvenated, filled with vitamins and minerals, and this has a positive effect on the condition of the hair. They become healthier, thicker and more beautiful. But why does hair fall out after birth?

Why does hair fall out after birth?

3-4 months after the baby is born many women is intensive hair loss. What can be the reason?

Why much hair fall after childbirth:

  1. Hormonal changes. During pregnancy improve the quality of hair is due to increased estrogen in the blood. After birth, the hormone level returns to normal and the body reacts with hair loss.
  1. Lack of vitamins and protein. Particularly acute problem arises in lactating women. If that's the reason, in parallel with the hair, there are problems with nails and skin.
  1. Stress, fatigue. Sometimes hair falls out after childbirth because of fatigue, lack of sleep and emotions.
  1. Low hemoglobin (iron deficiency anemia). After a hard pregnancy, a difficult birth, a large blood loss in women can lose hair due to lack of iron in the body.
  1. Disruption of the endocrine system. In this case, hair loss will continue for at least a year. Another symptom – the problem is weight normalization after childbirth subject to an adequate diet.
  1. Is made from the seeds of the common castor bean. Castor oil contains valuable acids: linoleic, oleic, palm. They are beneficial to the health of the hair and help stop hair loss. Used oil in pure form or in masks. Before use heat in a water bath, add vitamins Aevitum. Massage remedy applied on the scalp, put on a warming cap and aged at least one hour. You can leave for the night. The oil leaves no greasy film and absorbs well. With regular use the hair ceases to fall out, become strong and thick. The cost of castor oil 15-30 R.

    Minoxidil 2% (Rogaine*)

    White powdery drug that is highly soluble in water. Activates the cells and dilates blood vessels, thereby improving microcirculation, the supply of nutrients to the follicles, which leads to the awakening of follicle and increase hair growth. The drug has been clinically proved. Minoxidil is used to treat various types of alopecia, including androgenic alopecia male pattern.

    Use the clear solution for rubbing, and is added to shampoos, masks,lotions and balms. The cessation of hair loss can already be seen after 2 weeks and new hair growth after 3 months of use. The cost of drugs on the basis of Minoxidil depends on its concentration and ranges from 800 to 3000 p.

    Reviews on the use of the drug and instructions for use described in the article:

    Popular herbal preparation for the treatment and prevention of hair loss. Available in shampoo, solution in capsules and lotion. Shampoo is used to prevent lotion in the early stages of hair loss, and ampoules in severe cases of baldness. Ingredients: ginseng, peppermint, nasturtium, caffeine, berries, palms, Camellia sinensis. Activates hair growth, prevents hair loss, and awakens the dormant follicles.

    Used to treat androgenic alopecia areata. Infantil does not cause the body negative effects, but the possible individual allergic reactions such as hives, itching, and skin rash. The course of treatment ampoules and lotion up to 50 days, the shampoo can be used within 3 months. The average price of 380 rubles.


    Therapeutic and prophylactic hair Aspirin-based biostimulants, micro - and macroelements. Composed of environmentally friendly raw materials. Can be used inside and externally. Eliminates many hair problems, including hair loss. Apply on scalp and massage. Does not require rinsing.

    Inside taken 2-3 times a week for 1 tablespoon on an empty stomach. Topically 3 times per week to obtain the desired result. Aspirin can be added to shampoo, conditioner and hair mask. Has no contraindications, does not cause any side effects. The average cost from 120 to 150 rubles.

    Burning mask

    Among the folk remedies of treatment of hair loss is often used masks on the basis of burning products: mustard, pepper, onion, garlic. They irritate the scalp, which increases blood flow and nutrients to the hair follicles. It employs such tools 2-3 times a week before washing the head. Mustard and pepper mask is kept as long as you can tolerate the burning sensation.

    It is not recommended to apply on the whole length of the hair if they are damaged and dry. Only on the scalp. Before making masks based on onion and garlic need to know that your hair is very good at absorbing the smell and it will keep for a long time.

    Remedies to correct hair loss ampoules

    To resolve the problem of hair loss and to strengthen them will help vitamin capsules for hair. For example, Vichy, Minox formula, l'oreal, Vivas. Depending on the brand, they contain proteins, amino acids, vitamins, extracts of placenta. In addition to strengthening, the hair is shiny, manageable, dandruff disappears and normalthe secretion of sebum. The content of the ampoules is applied to the hair 2-3 times a week. No need to rinse off. If there is a predisposition to allergic reactions, then before buying you should carefully study the composition. Value of the vials depends on the manufacturer and ranges from 50 to 400 rubles per 1 ampoule.

    What the experts say about hair loss after pregnancy?

    Review of the doctor-tricola, head of the health Center hair" Irina Popova about hair loss after childbirth:

    Today there are hundreds of ways and means to stop hair loss after childbirth. The secret of healthy hair is calm. Stress acts destructively on the body and no miracle remedy will not help the young mother, though she is often nervous or fell into postpartum depression. Beauty and healthy emotional background inseparable.