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SULSENA paste — instruction manual

Who of contemporary people don't want to be a successful, attractive? You will hardly find women and men who, going to an important meeting, be it a business meeting or a romantic date, not put in order my hair. But what if the dandruff or oily hair is the main companion of your life? Do not despair, buy a magical tool called SULSENA paste!

Proper use of SULSENA paste

To start with the main substance within the paste Soultz. Treatment-and-prophylactic paste component – selenium disulfide. Simply put, a well-known chemical substances — sulfur and selenium are beneficial to the hair follicles, the scalp and the whole length of the hair.

The principle of treatment is that pasta SULSENA regulates the activity of sebaceous glands, removing excessive dryness of the scalp, or increased its greasiness. The active therapeutic agents of the paste is affected at the molecular level in fungi, affecting skin and hair structure, reducing the number of fungal microorganisms.

The use of this medicinal drug will help in the fight with the following hair problems:

  • dandruff;
  • increased oiliness of the hair;
  • segmental partial baldness.

Learn more about how SULSENA paste helps to cope with dandruff, get rid of fat and promotes hair growth, read our article: SULSENA Paste is a versatile tool for the recovery of the hair. There you will find reviews on the application of the paste.

If you use pasta SULSENA for at least three months, you will be able to get rid of destructive processes in the deep structures of the hair, and itching and hair loss. Your hair after the treatment and further prevention of "work" with SULSENA paste will become irresistible. Shine, silkiness, which are witnessing healthy hair, will attract the attention of others, to cause excitement, and even jealousy.

You must know that to achieve the perfect result can not be lazy and to approach the improvement of hair "slipshod". Regularity, consistency, and mandatory prevention are the main principles of a successful therapeutic process. Also important is the correct application of SULSENA paste.

The algorithm of this tool can be presented in sequential steps:

  1. Wash your hair the usual way, using the washing substance, which was used to your hair. Water for washing can not be taken neither too hot nor cold. Comfort and pleasant feelings should call the water stream falling on your head.
  2. Good idea to comb wet hair comb fromnatural material (wood, bone, etc.)
  3. Take a small amount of pasta SULSENA and very sensitive to introduce the substance into the skin of the head. It is good if you are additionally going to massage the head, lubricating the hair treatment drug.
  4. Hold the hair for a certain time. The exact minute the dosage is very individual and depends on several reasons:
  • the condition of your skin and hair;
  • the purpose of the paste (treatment or prevention);
  • individual tolerance.
    The average retention time of the paste is 15 minutes, but it can be both less and more.
  1. Nice cool water (preferably running) to rinse the hair. To soften the hair can last flushing to acidify with lemon juice or citric acid. Although the last element is already a part of the paste Soultz.

Concentration of medicinal substances can be different, and therefore form release paste are: 2% and 1%. The first option is to eliminate existing problems, and the second – for the prevention of occurrence of dandruff, greasy hair.

Activities to combat the negative manifestations hairline should be carried out not less than once in six months. Treatment of seborrhea is three months, apply two percent paste to 2 times every week.

For fastening of the received result and the quality of maintenance work it is advisable to stop using the paste and go to the one percent, also during the week, twice capping head is a useful emulsion.

SULSENA paste is available in tonirovannoye form, clothed in a cardboard box. 40 and 75 ml is the usual dosage of the products sold. Buy pasta SULSENA at any regular pharmacy without a prescription.

Contraindications use treatment-and-prophylactic drug is pregnancy and lactation in women, and also individual intolerance of the elements included in the paste. Anyone wishing to treat their hair that way, should carefully read the instructions for applying the paste Soultz.

Side effects during the course of medical treatment are not widespread and occur only in a limited circle of people who are prone to allergies. If you strictly follow the instructions for use of SULSENA paste, you can count on a positive result. As isolated negative reactions may be noted redness and itching of the scalp, patchy hair loss, change in hair color.

No need to be afraid of overdose because the chemical substances contained in the paste SULSENA affect only the external parts of the body, notpenetrating deep inside. This allows you to use paste to people of different age, sex and health status.

Pasta SULSENA must be carefully hidden from direct sunlight, avoid temperatures above 25°, and it is impossible to keep a box of medicine in the premises with high humidity (e.g. bathroom). Long shelf-life (3 years) will help you at any time (if necessary) to repeat the course of recovery of hair.

The price of SULSENA paste

SULSENA paste is a very beneficial treatment-and-prophylactic product, because the price of one tube of sarakarasara of the tube varies from 30 to 50 rubles. A tube with 75 ml of dandruff can even be purchased at a price less than 100.

Buying pasta SULSENA you for a small price will be able to restore the beauty and most importantly health to your hair. Dandruff, oily nasty Shine, hair fall will remain in your memory only as a disagreeable memory. Follow the instructions for applying the paste SULSENA, go re-preventive course and lasting results you will be provided. Beautiful, lush hair is not just a dream, but a real manifestation!