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Alopecia in women — treatment. How to stop hair loss?

A few lucky ones can boast of thick hair after forty. Over the years, our hair is thinning, fade and become less healthy and silky. It is inevitable. However, if hair starts to fall too rapidly, the cause must be sought in serious disease.

Abnormal hair loss is called alopecia. The disease affects people of different ages and genders.

Despite the fact that baldness does not pose any direct danger to the human body, it is very hard to endure from a psychological point of view. This is especially true of the fairer sex.

We will tell about the peculiarities of alopecia in women, its diagnosis, causes, types and treatments.

What is alopecia?

Alopecia in Greek means "hair loss", "baldness". This abnormal hair loss throughout the body. Most often, the symptoms of alopecia manifests itself on the head. The disease is characterized not only by loss but also by the difficulty of growth of new hair. That is why alopecia at a late stage is almost always associated with complete baldness of the affected area.

Modern medicine knows several types of abnormal hair loss. Some of them do not require special treatment (alopecia seborrheic), others need urgent assistance (diffuse), and in especially severe cases, can not do without surgery (transplantation). To cope with the disease easier at an early stage. That's why it's important to recognize the first signs of the pathological pattern baldness.

Types of alopecia

Modern medicine identifies the following types of alopecia in women:

  • androgenetic;
  • focal;
  • diffuse;
  • scar;
  • seborrheic.

Androgenic or androgenetic alopecia is the hereditary kind of pathological hair loss. He often affected men, but in rare cases the male hormone dihydrotestosterone affects the hair follicles of women. If the baldness suffered by other family members, it is likely that the disease will befall you. In this case, you need to always be alert and carefully monitor the condition of their hair.

Alopecia, alopecia, or alopecia, is not difficult to diagnose. Its visual manifestation, is a pronounced receding hairline rounded form. A small spot is not yet a reason to panic. In most cases it heals by itself. However to consult a doctor for advice still stands. If you do not get rid of the cause that triggered the pathology, disease may acquire much larger dimensions.

Diffuse alopecia is most often affects women. It is uniform hair loss over the entire surface of the head. To diagnose this type of alopecia is quite difficult,since there is no explicit foci of alopecia. Hair fall during combing, shampooing, drying.

Cicatricial alopecia is the complete destruction of hair follicles. The affected areas remains smooth skin without even downy hair. Typically, these scars are peeling edging, sometimes they may contain pus or fluid. Unlike other types of cicatricial alopecia can bring discomfort in the form of itching and burning.

Seborrheic alopecia is a complication quite common skin disease seborrhea. There are so-called "fat" and "dry" seborrhea. Under the influence of various factors there is a violation of the sebaceous glands, resulting in the development of pathology.

How to identify alopecia: symptoms

The major visual manifestation of alopecia is hair loss. Depending on the type of disease different nature of baldness.

  • Androgenetic alopecia in women is most often observed in the hair parting. At first the hair begins to lighten, to thin, and then break and fall out. The disease develops gradually. At a late stage, when amazed even vellus hair, there is Frank the bald head which cannot be hidden.
  • Diffuse alopecia is characterized by uniform hair loss over the entire surface. Hair can fall out the parting strips or the shape of the nest. The development of the disease takes place very rapidly, so that you can literally go bald in a few weeks.
  • During alopecia areata the affected area is clearly confined to round or oval lesion. It may be a small single lesion or multiple bald patches of quite impressive size.
  • Cicatricial alopecia is accompanied by the concomitant symptoms – itching, burning, peeling and redness of the scalp. In the field of scarring hair loss, and inhibits the growth of new formed connective tissue.
  • The first signs of seborrheic alopecia are dandruff, excessive greasiness of the hair (in the case of "oily" seborrhea) or, on the contrary, a dry scalp (dry seborrhea).

If hair loss becomes frightening scale, and the new hairs will break off, and not having time to grow, it is a reason to immediately visit a doctor. Self-medication in most cases not effective, because the value of paramount importance is played by the determination of the cause of baldness.

Causes of female alopecia

The reasons for baldness in women there are many. It can be hereditary and acquired factors.

So, androgeneticheskaya alopecia transmitted genetically. Irreversible damage of the hair follicle occurs under the action of the male hormonedihydrotestosterone. Its abundance in the female body and causes baldness.

Along with congenital alopecia there is an acquired form of the disease. So, symptomatic alopecia can cause:

  • stress;
  • beriberi;
  • improper diet;
  • infection.

Toxic alopecia is a result of the negative impact on the body of chemicals, medications. This explains the almost inevitable loss of hair after chemotherapy. Work in hazardous industries can also cause baldness.

In some cases, strong antibiotics or incompatible drugs affect the condition of the hair follicle. Right to determine the stimulus and eliminating its use, the doctor actually saves the patient from disease. Now the case for small – to eliminate the symptoms.

Among women is common hormonal alopecia. It can result from:

  • pregnancy;
  • of hormonal contraceptives;
  • pathology of the ovaries/adrenal glands;
  • diseases of the thyroid gland;
  • hormonal failure as a result of physical exertion or stress;
  • menopause.

Often girls bring their own hair to disease. Consistent use of plates, irons, hot curlers, metal combs, and perms, lacquers, mousses and hair unlimited – all over time can trigger alopecia in its most unpleasant manifestation.

Treatment of alopecia in women

Treatment of baldness in women again depends on the type and form of the disease.

Treatment of alopecia with medication (drugs)

As a medication treatment using drugs for external and internal use, vitamins, psychotropic drugs. In this respect, well-proven Minoxidil – hormonal drug for the external use. It strengthens the follicles starts the process of regeneration, thus accelerating hair growth. Women are allowed to use 2% Minoxidil. This drug is part of many cosmetic products that can be used as relapse prevention.

Other popular pills against hair loss, which can be found on the shelves of local pharmacies, call:

  • Pantovigar;
  • Nutricap;
  • dragee Merz;
  • Vitrum Baby;
  • Foltene Pharma and others.

Perhaps the most popular of the list is iron Pantovigar based on beer yeast. No matter how enthusiastic the reviews are not dubbed a particular drug, you can drink it without prior consultation with a doctor is impossible. There is always a chance that you do this remedy is contraindicated.

Because hair lossoften linked to lack of vitamins, important role in the treatment process plays a vitamin complex. It necessarily includes vitamin B6. Vitamin capsules can be purchased in any pharmacy. They can be used for cosmetic purposes, including the masks and balms. Also, the complex includes vitamins C, A, D, PP, B1, and B12.

Very popular is mesotherapy. It is a modern method of treatment, which consists in the introduction by subcutaneous injection. it is good that the doctor can make the drug cocktail that suits a specific patient. In addition, the method of injection allows to penetrate to the base of the affected hair follicles to stop and even strong hair loss. However, the risk of complications is minimal.

For the treatment of alopecia use laser radiation. The procedure can be performed at home (to do this, use special laser comb) or in the clinic. Inpatient treatments are carried out in case if patient requires a more powerful laser impact.

When it comes to not dealing with the cause, and the elimination of symptoms, surgery is hair transplantation. In the case of androgenetic (hereditary) alopecia is the only possible way. As the donor is the patient himself. Healthy hair follicles are transplanted with those areas that were not affected. If the bulbs take root, they will continue to function in the usual way and the patient will be healthy hair the rest of your life.

The operation is performed on an outpatient basis, lasts for 4-5 hours and is performed under local anesthesia absolutely painless. Positive results are visible already after a few days, but complications usually arise. In some cases (when the hair has not caught on, was incorrectly selected donor site or poorly performed transplant) a few years hair again begin falling out. The only way to fix the situation – a repeated operation.

The treatment of alopecia folk remedies

If the problem of hair loss is too acute, the doctor may recommend gentle treatment at home. Traditional medicine knows a huge variety of recipes that has a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair.

To fight alopecia areata use:

  • oil (burdock, essential olive oil, jojoba oil);
  • masks based on natural products (onions, eggs, mustard);
  • tincture (capsicum);
  • decoctions of nettle and burdock root;
  • homemade shampoos.

To prepare these remedies at home is not difficult. One of the most common is the broth on the basis of burdock roots. For this the roots of plants placed in a pan, pour a smallamount of water and boil until tender. Broth insist and massaging movements rubbed into the scalp. Use this simple remedy daily before going to bed.

On the basis of burdock also homemade ointment, which is no less effective means to combat hair loss. To do this, the roots of burdock are thoroughly ground, gaining 2-3 tablespoons and fill with water. Then boil the mixture until then, until you evaporate half of the volume. Strain the broth, add 5 tablespoons of melted fat. Viscous mixture put in a water bath. After a few hours the salve is ready. It is enough to RUB into the scalp several times a week.

Very good mask based on essential oils. To make them not only useful, but also very nice. That the procedure was effective, it is important to choose your oil type. So, for dry hair-ylang-ylang and chamomile oil. Especially good for oily jojoba oil and birch. Slow intense process of hair loss will help the complex, which includes almond oil. To speed up hair growth will help patchouli oil, orange, wheat and oil.

These procedures can be performed during the treatment of alopecia, and prevention. Hair will not harm them, but will make them more resistant to external irritants.