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Tar soap for hair – budget luxury!

Despite the variety of care, there are products that do not lose their relevance. And even become more popular. One of these is coal-tar soap. It long been used for beauty and health of the body. With special faith to use the soap for hair. Really useful tar soap for hair?

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What useful properties has tar soap for hair:

  • eliminates excess oil and normalizes the balance;
  • helps to cope with eczema;
  • treats seborrhea for all species, except dry;
  • gives the hair volume;
  • treats hair loss and prevents it;
  • adds volume;
  • accelerates hair growth.

To get tar soap and only use, the hair was beautiful and shiny, you need to wash your hair using lukewarm water. Hot on the locks appears greasy, and they will find unsightly.

You also need to be careful to use soap on hair that has split ends. Their condition may deteriorate. Therefore, be sure to use a moisturizing mask, and then wash the hair. Besides cosmetics can help conceal the odor of tar. For this purpose I advise in a dish to put a few pieces of clove, sprinkle cinnamon or vanilla.

Significant damage to coal-tar soap can not bring, as it consists of natural ingredients. The only thing you need to remember: soap is not suitable for dry skin and hair. In rare cases, the tool can cause individual allergic reactions.

How to use tar soap

Feature tar soap that you need to use it properly. Sometimes you can hear that locks have lost volume, look ugly and are unsightly. Some girls are assured that they have not received the therapeutic effect, while others delighted with this affordable and easy means. Why such differences?

There may be two reasons:

  1. Hair not used to the tool. To evaluate the result it is necessary not earlier than in 3-4 wash. Hair used modern shampoos, which are well washed and impurities. To rebuild takes time.
  1. Illiterate use. The absence of the desired effect may be the result of ignorance of the features of the application.

Coal-tar soap is a wonderful product that can make hair healthy, strong and obedient. But only if you know how to use it properly.

Rules wash your hair with lye soap:

  1. The soap foams separately, unacceptable bar to RUB the hair. For short hair, lather in palms. For long hair thedissolve in a separate bowl and whip.
  1. Apply the product on wet hair. The water should be warm but not more than 37 degrees.
  1. Massage into hair, paying attention to the root zone. It is impossible to keep the soap more than 3 minutes.
  1. Hair washed with water, and as usual apply conditioner.
  1. If the washing result is not satisfactory, then steps are repeated.

After first use, hair can be tough, but after a few applications becomes soft, silky and shiny. Stacking will take much less time, the longer the curls will stay clean.

If soap is used for treatment of dandruff, fungal diseases of the scalp, use the shampoo before every washing, preferably at least 4 times a week. The hair is not dry, you can apply directly on the scalp.

If soap is used to accelerate growth, the treatment or prevention of hair loss, rather than 1 time in 4-6 days. To protect the ends, you may apply a peach or olive oil. To do this, they heated and applied half an hour before washing.

Feedback about the use of tar soap for hair

Long history with lye soap could not go unnoticed. Modern people are accustomed to evaluate everything and everyone. What women say about the legendary product?

Reviews of people who have experienced the effect of tar soap on myself:

Olga, 27 years

Long suffered with dandruff, which for a time disappeared, and then appeared again. At the pharmacy, the pharmacist advised me to buy tar soap. Before I something heard about him. After the first application the skin was no longer itchy, and after 2 weeks the dandruff disappeared completely. Even thought that the tool for 20 rubles will eliminate this long-standing problem.

Marina,43 years

Used soap still in his youth to fight acne. Now used for hair. In autumn they fell like leaves from trees. Use soap in combination with vitamins quickly did the trick.

Tatiana, 30 years

Opinion of tar soap I have a dual. I know it helps to cope with many problems of the hair and scalp, but its use does not cause me delight. My hair is very thick and rinsed with soap very difficult, hard to comb. But the girlfriend uses it actively and continuously praises. Now I want to try to add tar to your regular shampoo and see the result.

Video review of tar soap:

Say trichologists of tar soap

Active use of tar soap and rave reviews could notto interest specialists. What do they say about tar soap and really it has miraculous properties?

Opinion of trichologist about tar soap for hair:

Chistyakova Olga Valentinovna, trichologist (beautician-venerologist), doctor of the first category:

Birch tar, is part of the soap actually has a number of useful properties, effectively cope with many diseases and cosmetic problems. Consequently, coal-tar soap, consisting of 10% of the tar is also useful. It has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and other properties. Significant harm to can not, but should be used carefully, avoiding excessive dryness of the scalp and hair.

Use tar soap is obvious. No such funds so available, efficient and easy to use. With the right approach, coal-tar soap to get rid of many problems, will bring back the beauty and health of hair.