Home / Shampoos and tools / SULSENA paste is a versatile tool for the recovery of hair

SULSENA paste is a versatile tool for the recovery of hair

Human hair can be its ornament and pride, and a reason for sadness and disappointment. If your hair does not cause you positive emotions, and cause upset, try to contact the wonderful tool for healing and strengthening the hair. SULSENA paste will save you from dandruff and oiliness, make your hair beautiful and charming.

What is SULSENA paste?

SULSENA paste is rich in selenium disulfide, whereby increased secretory function of the skin of the scalp is back to normal, the hair ceases quickly become dirty and sulitsa. Annoying itching scalp, dandruff will sink into oblivion. Your curls will enchant everyone with the beauty and will be extremely sturdy. No external and internal adverse effects will not be able to affect the hair structure if you regularly apply this miracle cure.

It is the selenium disulfide contained in the paste will help:

  • defeat the fungi that affect the formation of dandruff;
  • take control of the action of sebaceous glands, increased activity of which leads to of hair;
  • to reduce the time of functioning of epithelial cells, which will make the process of exfoliation much faster.

Treatment-and-prophylactic SULSENA paste is available in two versions: single and two-percent. The first is used to prevent weakness of hair, and the second – for carrying out the treatment.

Protivoavarijnye and antiseptic effect paste sulfine can be obtained for single use for 1-2 week. To strengthen the result, it is desirable to rubbing a paste into the scalp for three months.

Course of treatment can be repeated if the dandruff and the oiliness of the hair is preserved despite regular application of the paste on the hair and skin of the head. The emulsion is applied to the head in a small amount (about five milliliters), you need to hold no more than thirty minutes, then rinse thoroughly with cool water. Soft, well combed hair will amaze you after the first application.

The substances contained in the paste, in no case should not fall into the body. Especially need to monitor eye. If, nevertheless, the remedy gets into your eyes or mouth, you need to thoroughly clean these areas, which also applies to hands that have been in contact with the paste.

A prerequisite of applying the paste Soultz – hair should be clean. Massage in a circular motion when rubbing will be able to strengthen the positive effects.

SULSENA paste has no contraindications, except individual intolerance, pregnancy and lactation in women. Neednote that in some cases there may be skin reaction of allergic nature:

  • rash;
  • itching;
  • redness.

Partial alopecia, eczema, dermatitis in the treatment appear extremely rare. As a prophylactic SULSENA paste is effective in the case of treatment every six months. Storing pasta in a humid environment is unacceptable, so make sure that the therapeutic substance was not on the same shelf with the shampoos, although it would be very convenient.

Stimulates whether SULSENA paste hair growth?

In addition to the main action of the paste as a means of combating dandruff and excess fat, many people are interested in the question of its effect on hair growth. So what is the effect of toothpaste on the length of the curls? Here the opinions are very mixed. Someone says, the hair is lengthened, but some deny this fact. Manual application of this tool has not observed this effect, but the opinions some people try to convince otherwise.

Feedback about the use of SULSENA paste hair growth

Catherine, 34 years

After a trip to the sea I, to my chagrin, I had a peel, the skin is very dry and dandruff sprinkled all shoulders. Direct, it was a shame for people to appear, especially if in dark clothing. Polazil the Internet in search of effective remedies for dandruff and came across the Council on the application of SULSENA paste. Started applying according to instructions. After 1, 5 month the dandruff was gone "no." But have noticed that the hair is not only stronger, but have grown well. So – who wants to lengthen the hair, use this tool.

Svetlana, 22 years

And I think that it's all just advertising. I personally have no growth of hair is not noticed. Maybe grew up a bit, so they now constantly growing, right?

Lyudmila, 56 years

Always my hair was my pride, since adolescence. All just groaned and gasped, looking at them. But in one of the holidays I went to the sanatorium. Whether the water there was not very good, or in the pool, someone floated contagious. My hair began to wither and weaken. Even had to take drastic measures to cut, so the ends have become brittle and very thin. For a long time, I could not then grow their old, luxurious hair. But the pharmacy one employee on my request to sell some miracle cure to hair growth, has proposed to experiment with the paste Soultz. And I am not disappointed. I bought one tube, used it for two months (hair that is not too short) and saw the expected effect, the hair has started to grow!!!
Yay!I hope that soon my beautiful locks will once again draw attention to themselves.

You save pasta SULSENA dandruff?

One of the main stated in the instructions of action pasta SULSENA – dandruff. And, indeed, it is a remedy in a fairly short period of time will make your hair free from nasty white snowflakes fluttering from the hair. The main thing – perseverance and consistency in the application of the paste.

There are times when white grit in the form of dandruff occurs due to contaminated water or improperly chosen shampoo. In this case, you can do special protivopekhotnymi detergent or a change in the permanent shampoo. But SULSENA paste is designed for completely different situations.

This wonder drug helps people whose dander just became annoying and constant companion. The course of treatment lasts approximately 3 months, after a small break can be repeated. The effect is namgoong, but it really will come, if not to abandon the application of the paste regularly, although 1-2 times in two weeks.

Feedback about the use of SULSENA paste for dandruff

About the beneficial effects of pasta SULSENA dandruff many say the reviews of those who by example has verified its benefits.

Dmitry, 46 years

All my youth I spent in a merciless fight against dandruff. As I'm tired of these white "bugs" scatter my shoulders... I even have a complex – not to wear dark clothes, because it was very noticeable white "specks". I tried! All advertised remedies, different methods, but all in vain. Sometimes, dandruff temporarily retreated, but then returned, as if not wanted to say goodbye to me. But one friend, knowing my problem, advised me to buy at the pharmacy that. Of course, I first received a hostile reception this. But then still went and bought it. Smear your head copiously with this drug and did not quite believe in its effect. Imagine my surprise when after a month of regular use, the hair alive, prettier and stronger. Even it was a pity to cut this beauty stuff, apply this paste to eliminate dandruff, you will not regret!

Elena, 49 years

Effect anti-dandruff stunning! Check for yourself!!!

Vladimir, 24 years

Use pasta SULSENA anti-dandruff for the first time on the advice of my girlfriend, which "strained" permanent "snow" on my shoulders. She also helped me to RUB right this means. What helped pasta or her love? I think that the drug caused with a soul, acted with doubleeffect.

You save SULSENA paste greasy hair?

Oily greasy hair is incompatible with presentable appearance of a successful modern man. To get rid of oily your curls will help one proven and effective tool – SULSENA paste. This tool operates on the deep structure of the hair, softens hair, improves blood circulation to the head, stimulates the activity of hair follicles, while reducing the activity of sebaceous glands.

Feedback about the use of pasta SULSENA against greasy hair

Eugene A., age 59.

My hair in recent years began to deliver a lot of trouble. Become sort of dull and greasy. At first I thought it was from caps. But when this problem began to manifest itself in summer, thinking hard. Went to the pharmacy and got the pasta SULSENA. Carefully follow the instructions and advice cute girl worker of pharmacy. It was great to get rid of the heavy feeling of greasiness of unwashed hair. Now I can like young women!

Olga Pavlovna, 67 years

I have a lot of years, and during my life I have not changed one hair, many different colors have tried on their hair. And so five years ago I became very burdened by the fact that no matter how carefully I didn't wash my hair, it still looked unkempt and greasy. Tried different methods to eliminate this unpleasant effect, from special shampoos to folk of all kinds of masks – but the result didn't please. One of my "advanced" friends is friends with the Internet and a lot of talking on different forums. Here one of them told her about the pasta SULSENA. She immediately called me, and I for three months have used this tool. The oiliness of the hair strands are gone. To consolidate the effect after a month I went on a course, only to have the pasta one percent. I am extremely happy!

SULSENA paste is an effective tool in the implementation of the merciless "military" action against dandruff and greasy hair. Convenient packaging, low price and long lasting results has made the drug popular and effective. Your battle in the fight for the beauty and health of hair will never be lost. Feel free to join in the fight with unpleasant manifestations in trichology dandruff, Shine – and win!