Home / Shampoos and tools / Like put the black hair color? 10 of the most effective methods!

Like put the black hair color? 10 of the most effective methods!

Once having decided to radically change the image, changing the hair color, preferring black, sooner or later you might face a problem: how to get rid of it? If I can do it at home, or maybe you will help in the cabin? In our article we will consider the most effective ways of getting rid of black color on the hair.

Discoloration in the cabin

Often, choosing to dye their hair "dark blonde" color or "chocolate", as a result hair become black. If you "overdo it" with the color and want to lighten in the salon you can offer to use a special decolorizing agents. These drugs are able to lighten hair in four tones. But there are cases when the hair after application of such a distinctive reddish hue, which you can paint others, or to re-do the procedure (but not earlier than two weeks).

Keep in mind that after using decolorizing means for washing the health of hair may be, until a partial loss, so after these procedures, you need hair treatment nourishing balms and masks.

The use of professional tools for washing at home

You can try to wash away black hair dye at home, but at one time you have it is unlikely to succeed, and the final result is always unpredictable. Someone to need one to two doses, and another five washes will not be enough. But in any case, to return the natural color hair washes, alas, will not succeed. In contrast to the aggressive and hard decolorizing means, professional acid washing means for significant harm to the hair was not applied, but liking them is still not worth it, because their composition in any case, there is ammonia.

Among the variety of products that manufacturers offer as washes, today can be lost. To choose which one will be suitable for you is quite difficult.

Consider the most popular:

  • wash the COLOR OFF by Estel – an innovative tool, carefully washing away the paint, allowing the hair to remain natural and healthy. About this tool quite a lot of positive feedback, but to use it almost all still prefer in the cabin.
  • the cleaner from Brelil Professional – allows you to shorten the exposure time to twenty to thirty minutes. Quite an effective tool with positive feedback.
  • Efassor from L'oreal — gently lightens hair. In order to get rid of the dark colors you may need to do several procedures.
  • shampoo Syoss was recognized due to the fact that not spoil the hair. The manufacturer offers three kinds ofclarifier, which differ in the degree of impact: clarifying one or two colors, three to five, the strongest brightens to nine or ten tones.

Hot oil mask

To get rid of at home from black hair by using masks based on olive, burdock, linseed, or almond oils. If such a mask to do a few times a week, you can lighten hair a few shades, almost returning to their natural color due to the fact that oil mask from the structure of the hair pull artificial coloring.

Take any of these oils and heat in a water bath. Apply it hot on unwashed hair. Wrap head with a plastic bag, and wrap the top with a towel from time to time warm towel on the battery. Keep the mask on your hair not less than hours, preferably leave overnight. Oil masks can not only save you from the dark color of the hair, but also to improve their appearance, making hair soft, fluffy and shiny.

Mask with mayonnaise and yogurt

Another home remedy mild – mask on the yogurt and mayonnaise. Providing beneficial effects on hair structure, such mask to gradually lighten dyed dark color, returning them to nature. Though immediate effect of such masks will not come, their regular use will give noticeable results.

In the same way as the previous mask, yogurt mask, apply on hair at least an hour, wrapping your head with a towel. After you wash the hair mask with shampoo, rinse them with water dissolved with lemon juice, which not only gives Shine but also slightly brightens.

Bleaching white henna

Erroneously, this method is considered harmless, but keep in mind that white henna is essentially a chemical blandiana, which can greatly cause your hair harm. If you do decide to get rid of dark colors with the help of this method, choosing white henna is not to be confused with Honey is very useful not only when we use it in hair masks based on it they give beauty and Shine, they are perfectly clarified and even hair color, saturating a Golden hue.

Before apply the mask from honey you must be sure to prepare the hair. Add the shampoo with a little baking soda and thoroughly massage their hair, and then rinse without balms and conditioners. Slightly towel dry hair and apply a normal honey (acacia is best to choose). Leave the mask on for eight to ten hours, covering the head with foil and a towel. Do not insulate your head too much, as honey at high temperature hair brightens worse. The bleaching is due to the fact that honey contains bleachingagent like hydrogen peroxide, which gradually releases the honey.

Lemon juice also has excellent bleaching properties, but in combination with honey, the effect is amplified many times. Use for lightening dark-colored hair and this mask: mix two tablespoons of honey with the juice of a large ripe lemon. The mixture was heat in a water bath and warm apply to hair. Wrapped plastic bag in the head, leave the mask on hair for five to six hours.

Shampoo with ascorbic acid

Twenty pound of ascorbic acid tablets (two packs), add a half Cup of shampoo. Such a mass can be washed off the color, making the procedure daily.

Decoction of chamomile for lightening

Regularly rinsing the hair with chamomile decoction can do to lighten the hair.

You now have in the Arsenal there are enough funds that will help you to get rid of annoying or perhaps inappropriate your outfit is black. Experiment, at the same time grooming their hair and stay beautiful!