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Burdock oil for hair

Today, the industry of cosmetology is advanced. There are many tools in the hair care products of different brands, methods of application and compositions. But anyway, the old "Granny" methods also do not lose their popularity.

For example, funds that are the basis of burdock oil. It is rich in vitamins and minerals of natural origin. It turns out that burdock, or agrimony is a very useful plant in the preservation of the beauty and health of your hair.

Burdock oil for hair: how to use?

In its application the skin is flexible. No matter what your hair type, the oil will not hurt you. Of course, the owners of oily hair will have to suffer some inconveniences, but the result is worth it. If you want to get rid of split ends, dandruff, strengthen your hair, prevent hair loss and accelerate the growth, to deal with the problem of temporarily high fat content is a piece of cake. The result totally justifies the means.

Home treatments with the use of oil of burdock is simple, albeit time consuming, process. How to use this tool? The easiest way is to apply the oil directly to the hair. This is done as follows:

  1. Moisten your hair with water. No matter whether you will do this procedure to clean or dirty hair.
  2. Pre-heat oil to a temperature slightly higher than room temperature.
  3. Sequentially separating the hair into strands, apply oil on the hair roots, gently rubbing it into the scalp.
  4. Then, take a comb with large and sparse teeth and soak in burdock oil. Comb the hair so that the oil is distributed from roots to ends.
  5. Now you need to make a "bath" for the hair. Wrap your hair with a plastic bag or wear a shower cap. Top optionally wrap with a towel. So hair can "relax" 1 to 3 hours, but no more!
  6. Remove the towel and polyethylene, wash your head, preferably with the balm. It is likely that hair washing will have to be repeated several times to completely wash away the oil. Alternatively, you can use this method for rapid flushing of burdock oil: mix about 30 g of rye flour in warm water until the consistency of sour cream; wait until the mixture will swell up and apply it on your hair, but not washing the butter; RUB in a circular motion, as if namasivaya head; wash the head.

This procedure should be carried out a couple of times a week for two months. Then it can be repeated after a break.

Also there are many other ways to use burdock oil. For example, its effect can be used to enhance other oils: castor or chamomile. Homecircumstances, it is possible to prepare your own masks and conditioners for hair. You can choose individual prescription suitable to the structure of your hair.

Hair masks based on burdock oil

Mask with burdock oil for dry hair

If you have very dry and brittle hair, to fix this problem, you can use simple to prepare a mask of burdock, chamomile oil, and oil from wheat germ. You need to take 30 drops of each and stir. RUB the mixture for half an hour before shampooing. Better to heat it to gain the desired effect. The mask stimulates hair growth, strengthens them from the roots to tips and nourishes. For normal hair type the best solution would be to repeat the same procedure, only with the use of a mixture of 50 g of burdock oil and patchouli oil, chamomile, avocado (each with five drops). Such a use strengthens the hair, gives them strength and eliminates brittleness.

Mask with burdock for greasy hair

For oily hair suitable combination of 20 g of burdock oil, 5 drops of grapeseed oil, spoon the pulp of grapefruit and 10 drops of lemon oil. After preparing the mixture, RUB all over the scalp and leave for 25-30 minutes. This mask also assists in hair growth, refreshes and tones the skin.

The effect of burdock oil, among other things, increases in such natural foods as honey, various spices, mustard, egg yolk.

We offer several original recipes with "useful" supplements.

Mask with burdock oil and cocoa from hair loss

  1. Pour the tablespoon of cocoa powder with warm water so that it melted and formed smetanopodobnogo mass.
  2. Add the beaten egg yolk.
  3. Then add 50 g of burdock oil.
  4. The resulting mixture generously first to the roots of the hair, then gently spread to the tips.
  5. Leave it for an hour.
  6. Wash the head.

This recipe also helps to eliminate dull hair.

Mask with burdock oil and honey to smooth and strengthen the hair

  1. Prepare a mixture: half a Cup of honey 20 drops of burdock oil and one egg yolk.
  2. To form a homogeneous mass, melt honey on a water bath.
  3. Cooling the mixture, apply it on the hair roots, slightly smearing the length of the hair.
  4. Leave it for an hour, and after a good wash.

Mask with mustard for hair growth

To accelerate the growth of hair and give them strength use the mask with mustard powder. Type tablespoon of the powder and dissolve in warm water to make a mass consistency resembling coffee grounds. Add 30 drops of burdock oil and 20 grams of fat sour cream(if you have hair that is greasy at the roots) or mayonnaise (if dry). Stir and RUB into the roots of damp hair for forty minutes before shampooing. After wash a head.

Hair mask with burdock oil and pepper tincture

50 g of burdock oil mixed with castor in the same amount, is added 100 g capsicum tincture. This mask, make dirty and wet hair, applying only at the roots. It should also be noted an important detail: more often than once in three or four days this mask is to apply harmful.

Here are some simple ways will help you to find the beauty and health of hair. And now from theory to practice.

Burdock oil for hair reviews

Natalia, 30 years

After birth I had a hormonal imbalance and there is a problem of hair loss. They I and before health was not good, but here is... I Saw a pharmacy burdock oil, and decided to try. To be honest, I was hoping that would help. You can imagine my surprise when, after the systematic application over time, rubbed the oil on dirty hair twice a week) I found the roots of the hair light down. Now I'm very happy, because my hair better than before.

Lisa, 23 years

Heard a lot about the use of burdock oil for hair treatment, so I decided to try. Can now boast of a healthy and shiny hair. Went to the store and bought some more jars, I will continue the course of treatment.

Olga is 42 years old

I always repaint the hair, therefore, under the effect of the paint they became dry and brittle like straw. I was thinking about what to choose for hair care. Stumbled upon the reviews about the use of burdock oil, read different recipes. Decided that there is nothing difficult and costly in this, I tried. Now Narada. Oil rinses away easily, refreshing color, hair though breathing health. Don't know what will happen next, I take about two weeks, but still happy.

Maria, 20 years

I have the eternal problem of life – curly hair. They need special care. This is the feature of my hair: at the roots – very oily and the ends dry. I tried the mask based on burdock oil with added camomile. Use about twice a week, helps a lot. Of course, the hair all the same unruly, sticking out a little, but the tips are cut longer. Advised the mask to her friend, which smooth hair. Her result is noticeable. Maybe I just need to pick up another mask. But, clearly, oil is power!

Julia, 28 years

Read online about the miraculous properties of burdock oil. I bought a bottle, put it on washed hair. I did the classic version, not added any otheringredients. A strengthening effect is undoubtedly obvious. Have bleached my hair a few times, so they very much fell was brittle. Now slowly but surely restore their former beauty. Now they are more smooth and soft. I think everyone with a similar problem will be useful burdock oil.